Cover Love: Strike a Match


March 28, 2013 by Alice in Readerland

1vintagevalb copy

Cover Love is hosted by Bookshelver’s Anonymous

This may very well be my favorite cover ever:

Fahrenheit 451I recently saw this new cover design for Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and I think it’s absolutely fantastic! The match replacing the ‘1’? Brilliant. The spine that looks like an actual matchbox? Ingenious.

I heard that the cover designer, Elizabeth Perez, even says that the spine really is printed with a matchbook striking paper surface, so the book could actually be burned. (Let’s just hope that nobody actually does that.)

I don’t know if this is the new official cover or just a showpiece, but I love it regardless. This may or may not have been my reaction to the new cover:

Shocked Cat

What was your reaction to the new cover?

I love comments

21 thoughts on “Cover Love: Strike a Match

  1. That is such a gorgeous cover and it fits the book so well. I love that it’s sleek and even a little stark.

  2. I’ve come across a picture of this copy on Tumblr and I do hope it would be for sale at some point. I don’t care how much it’ll cost but I would love to get my hands on it if I could!

  3. Anya says:

    Agreed, that cover is wicked awesome. I just hope that the spine isn’t a fire hazard so it can still be sold in stores, hehe!

    Anya @ On Starships and Dragonwings

  4. Lisa says:

    I absolutely love this cover too. I think I first saw it on Huffington Post and was just dmsbvibfdsuyjnu. I’d say it’s just a showpiece, though.

  5. Stormy says:

    I got so excited about this cover that I spent a good 5 minutes geeking out over it when I was talking to my dad on the phone a few days ago(sadly, he’s not much of a reader, so the conversation was pretty one-sided). It’s just so cool!

  6. Shelver506 says:

    My thoughts EXACTLY when I first saw this cover. Great pick!

  7. MsJohannah says:

    I love that cover! Great book too!

  8. The Reading Girl says:

    That is such a beautiful cover. Its really unique and I like that. I think I will read the book :).

  9. […] Yes, it’s most likely just a showpiece, but I just had to include it! The “1″ as a match and a spine that looks like an actual matchbox? Brilliant! (My post with more details on it here.) […]

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